Questions and answers
all about a Geotoura trip

What is the advantage of booking a complete trip with Geotoura?

In addition to the competent service for the preparation and realisation of your trip, trip, you are much better protected overall because Geotoura offers it under the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament  on package travel and linked travel arrangements for tour operator We are responsible for all the components of a trip that you have booked with us. If you book single parts of your of your trip elsewhere, for example hotels, excursions or the hire car, then each provider is only responsible for its part. If there are any cancellations or delays with a provider or delays occur with one provider so that you cannot services with another provider, you will have to you will have to pay any cancellation or rebooking costs yourself. If, on the other hand, you book everything in one travel package, you will not incur any rebooking fees or costs for services or costs for services that you were unable to take advantage of. Instead, we will cover all additional costs for replacement services or reimburse you for the costs for the services you were unable to take advantage of.

Are all costs included in the offer or will I have to pay something else

We do not work with hidden costs. The prices listed in the offer include all taxes and fees. If costs for individual services are to be paid locally, we will expressly point this out in the offer. Generally not included in the offer are motorway tolls and parking fees, for example in the centre of city centres. Our partner hotels will help you on arrival, find a reasonably priced parking space or multi-storey car park. car park. This can cost between approx. 15 and 25 euros per day. euros per day. Of course, these costs do not apply to not incurred.

Is every hotel always assigned to exactly one category?

No. In some of our hotels we offer overnight stays in different categories. These differ in the size, location and facilities of the rooms.

Can I combine hotel categories?

With us, you can combine everything. Popular with our customers, for example, to book accommodation in the ‘Luna de miel’ category for birthday or a wedding anniversary. We are also happy to help you with a recommendation or reservation if you would like to treat yourself to something special for such an occasion for such an occasion – such as a fine dinner.

Is the hotel in the offer guaranteed or can there be changes after my booking?

In individual cases, changes may occur, especially in the case of for enquiries at short notice. As soon as we receive your first enquiry, we will check the availability of the planned accommodation. If you then register for your trip we will book the rooms for you at the hotels. In the time in between, it may happen that a room may have been booked elsewhere by the hotel.

Why don't you simply reserve the room when you receive an enquiry?

In some hotels we have indeed reserved a room contingent for Geotoura customers in advance. However, this is not useful everywhere: as itineraries may change while we are optimizing it with our guests.  Not every enquiry actually leads to a booking, we would otherwise incur additional costs due to unused reservations. In order to keep our offers attractively priced it is better if we do not reserve such rooms in advance. In cases where the room has in the meantime let the room to someone else, we will find you at least an equivalent or even better hotel. In this way we can offer you a more attractive price-performance ratio.

What happens if the originally planned hotel is no longer available?

In such a case, we will book you into another, equivalent hotel hotel or you will often even receive an upgrade to a higher higher category – of course without a surcharge. Of course we will inform you of this before you travel.

How will I be helped if something in the accommodation not meet my requirements?

We take great care to ensure that all the hotels in our programme offer excellent service. However, if the hotel is unable to resolve a problem itself, a service number that you will receive with your travel documents aloows you to contact us. we will then take care of the matter. We are so convinced of the quality of our accommodation that we can can offer you the following: If an accommodation generally does not meet your expectations, our local staff will work with you to find a solution that suites your expectations. If necessary in another hotel and at our expense. You can beassured: At Geotoura, we take care of everything.

How does Geotoura ensure the high quality of the accommodations

With our own employees on site, we are always close to our partner hotels. We also ask you as a customer to rate the hotels you have been. Should a hotel attract negative attention, a member of staff will contact the hotel on site and investigate the cause. If this happens again or if we cannot find a solution, we will remove the hotel from our programme. Irrespective of this, from time to time one of our employees inspects the hotels in our programme  to check in detail that the hotel continues to meet the quality standards that we found during our previous visit.

There is a destination missing from the route that I would also like to visit. May I ask you again for an offer?

Of course. We undrstand our job to ensure that you have a perfect holiday. If you have made any changes to the offer or would like to know anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

I really like the trip you have put together for me, but it costs more than I actually want to spend. Is there anything else I can do?

Simply get in touch with us again and let us know your travel budget. We will then try to adapt your itinerary so that it remains within the price range you have in mind. For example, if accommodation in a particular city is particularly expensive, there may be a reasonably priced country hotel nearby from which you can visit the city on a day trip. Or you are flexible in terms of time, so we can postpone your trip by a few days and then perhaps find a cheaper flight. Our staff know the destinations very well and in most cases can work with you to find an itinerary that gives you access to many of the highlights of the destination at a favourable price, without you having to do without the comfort of Geotoura.

What is meant by ‘fares are daily prices’?

With the scheduled airlines that we work with we can only reserve flights for a maximum of one day. After that we always have to make a firm booking or release them again. As the availability and prices of flights can change daily, the exact flight price is therefore is therefore only finalised when your travel booking reaches us. However, you do not need to worry about hidden costs. Should the flight price increase, we will inform you you and coordinate the next steps with you. Should the fare remains the same or is cheaper, we will book immediately. immediately. We will pass on any price reductions to you.

Do I need a navigation device?

With your travel documents, you will receive directions for each hotel and a detailed road map for the longer distances. Nevertheless, we also recommend using a navigation device or a navigation app on a GPS-enabled smartphone or tablet, especially for large cities. With many apps, you can download the maps for your destination at home or via a hotel’s Wi-Fi, so you don’t need to be connected to the internet while travelling.

Can I book travel insurance through Geotoura?

Persons with their habitual residence in an EU country can take out insurance through us with our partner, ERGO Reiseversicherungs AG. We do not offer insurance for persons who have their habitual residence elsewhere, for example in Switzerland. Which insurance makes sense depends in particular on the type, duration and price of your trip. As there are numerous options, you will receive detailed information on the insurance policies that are suitable for your trip after booking.

Can I pay by credit card?

We accept VISA or Mastercard. Please indicate the desired payment method when booking.