Your Geotoura Travel Expert

Our aim is to offer every single customer, a very special journey.

Our staff with in-country knowledge will create a customised tour for you according to your specifications (departure point, start date, duration, route). You can book hand-picked additional offers for many destinations in advance through us. A customer advisor is available en route in the travel area to take care of your concerns.

The staff at our head office, who will advise you and put together your itinerary with you, are very familiar with our travel destinations. Many of them have spend a long time in the destinations. Our local colleagues have also been working in the travel industry in the respective destination for a long time.

Ilona Hensel
Senior Quality Advisor

What do you do when you’re newly in love? Spend as much time together as possible, get to know and understand your love. That’s pretty much how I felt after my first stay in Andalusia … The intense encounters with the people inspired me to learn Spanish and attend lectures on the history, literature and language of this country. I also tried to understand and learn the expressive dance in a flamenco studio.

The desire to pass on this enthusiasm to other people gave me the idea to study tourism, turn my hobby into a profession and founded Geotoura: initially with cultural study tours for small groups and a little later also for guests who prefer to travel individually. It’s great to see that many guests regularly rely on us when planning their holidays. We have therefore added destinations to our programme that allow our guests to experience something new and unique.

Svenja Wezel
Deputy Managing Director

During numerous trips and longer stays abroad, I got to know many places and regions in Spain and Latin America.

I speak Spanish fluently and am happy to pass on my experience and tips. In particular, I would like to introduce you to the Spanish way of life so that you too can get to know the country and its people! I look forward to supporting you on your trip.

Laura Freire
Deputy Managing Director Sales & Operation

As half Greek and half Ecuadorian, born in Germany and blessed with parents who love travelling, I grew up in a multicultural environment. Not only did I get to know and love my home countries. Many other countries – including Portugal, Italy and Spain – have always been favourite destinations for me.

The joy of getting to know other countries and cultures, their history, people and customs in an authentic way was born early on and a profession in which I can share this joy with other people and pass it on to others is more than just a job for me. My passion has become my profession.

I look forward to planning your next trip with you.

Kristina Petrova

I discovered my interest in getting to know new and foreign cultures and experiencing them first-hand at a very early age. As a native Bulgarian with travel-loving parents, I was able to travel to my neighbouring countries from an early age, which gave me a special insight into the culture of the Balkans. This passion later led me to study archaeology and prehistory at the University of Heidelberg.

Through numerous study and private trips, I was able to visit several countries such as Greece, Italy, Turkey, Great Britain and Spain and come into contact with their vibrant culture and diverse history. These experiences awakened even more interest in new experiences and led me to countries such as Ireland and Scotland, which have a very special meaning for me with their unique warmth and joie de vivre.

Jamie Torstrick

After leaving school, I was immediately drawn out into the wide world and my enthusiasm for travelling was ignited. I therefore decided to study tourism management and successfully completed my degree.

As I was already able to gain professional experience at Geotoura during an internship semester, I am now looking forward to supporting the team even more intensively as a permanent employee and turning my passion into a career. I love planning trips and making unforgettable experiences possible for you.

Lea Mull
Backoffice & Operations

The tingling sensation during check-in at the airport – the finale of the anticipation that has been building up for weeks and is now finally turning into real experiences. This feeling is just one of many positive emotions that are released before, during and after travelling.

I have loved travelling since I was a child, which is why I quickly realised that I wanted to turn this passion into a career. After training in a travel agency and studying tourism, I am now looking forward to supporting you on your travels and providing you with lots of ‘tingling moments’.

Laura Schieferdecker
Manager Produktmanagement

Discovering new cultures and special places, meeting a wide variety of people and their unique stories and experiencing culinary highlights is what makes a perfect holiday for me. It is precisely these special and unique experiences that I would like to convey to you with our trips.

Through my tourism management studies and longer stays abroad, I have already been able to gain some experience in the UK, Ireland and the Mediterranean region and turn my passion into a profession. You too can embark on an unforgettable journey, because it is precisely these moments that enrich life immeasurably.

Lana Habermann

Having travelled extensively since my childhood, I was able to experience the joy of travelling at an early age. This was followed by longer stays abroad in Europe and Latin America, where I was able to improve my language skills in French, English and Spanish. What fascinates me about travelling to other countries is experiencing other cultures up close and interacting directly with the locals.

During my internship semester as part of my tourism management degree, I really enjoyed designing customised round trips at Geotoura, which led to my interest in the product area. As part of the product management team, I look forward to constantly putting together new itineraries and inviting you on a unique round trip to exciting countries and cultures.

Nadine Gehrisch
Marketing & Content Management

Besides travelling, I have always been passionate about writing. That’s why, after studying tourism, I quickly moved into a career in marketing, specialising in content management. I have been able to get to know the Geotoura destination countries intensively during various stays abroad, including in southern England, Sardinia and Barcelona.

I love discovering special corners and stories ‘behind the doors’ of a destination and am very happy to be able to report on all the exciting places in the Geotoura Travel Journal , in our newsletter and on our social media channels. In addition, I take care of the content maintenance of the Geotoura website, as well as various marketing projects and co-operations.

Annabell Landweer
Dual student Tourism & Travel Management

Turning a childhood dream into a career: Mine was to become a luxury hotel tester and now I want to fulfil people’s dream of their perfect trip. During my extended stay abroad in South America after graduating from high school, I learnt how important it is to have the right planning and support from a tour operator and how infinitely valuable the memories you make while travelling are.

I am therefore delighted to be able to support you in planning your dream trip as part of my Tourism & Travel Management dual study programme at Worms University of Applied Sciences and to gain many new insights into the tourism industry myself.

Fotos: “Neri Kranz Photography”, Heidelberg

Are you looking for a challenging position in sustainable tourism?
Then become part of our team!

If you want to be part of our team, you should be as individual as our products. Are you passionate about what you do, are you always looking for the best, do you want to be part of reinventing travel every day and do you want to offer customers an unforgettable experience with tailor-made trips? Then you’ve come to the right place in our team!

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